Discovery - building a UK metadata ecology
A Conference to Launch the Discovery Programme
Wellcome Collection
Thursday, May 26, 2011
10.00 Refreshments & Registration
10.30 Discovery - Introduction by Prof David Baker, Deputy Chair JISC Board
Introducing the Discovery programme and its purpose to create a metadata ecology for UK education and research
Part 1: The Demand Side – User Expectations in teaching, learning and research
Key question: What do UK educators and researchers need from content collections and services in order to excel and push new boundaries in discovery? What are the motivations arising for Libraries, Archives, Museums and their partners?
10.50 Keynote 1 (filmed) – Dr Stuart Lee, Director, Computing Systems and Services, at Oxford University's Computing Services
11.10 Keynote 2 – Prof Peter Murray-Rust, Reader in the Unilever Centre for Molecular Science Informatics, Cambridge University
11.30 The Research Conversation (whole conference debate)
11.50 Coffee
12.10 Keynote 3 – Drew Whitworth, Programme Director, MA: Digital Technologies, Communication and Education, University of Manchester
12.30 The Teaching & Learning Conversation (whole conference debate)
12.50 Summing up – David Baker
13.00 Lunch
During lunch there will be a display of the eight RDTF Discovery projects in the lunch area with representatives on hand to field queries.
Part 2: The Supply Side – Opportunities to Expand Access and Visibility
Key question: What are practical next steps that Libraries, Archives and Museums can take to make their collections more available, enhance audiences and add value? What are the immediate challenges, the early wins and the available tools?
The afternoon sessions will focus on debate and discussion with the audience rather than presentations – speakers below will introduce themes and facilitate discussion
13.45 Welcome back & intro to the afternoon – Nick Poole, CEO of Collections Trust
14.00 The Art of the Possible: Special Collections – Veronica Adamson, Director, Glenaffric
Opportunities around Special Collections identified in a series of interviews
14.15 The Art of the Possible: Aggregation Services – Peter Burnhill, Director of EDINA
Aggregation as a tactic for improving resource discovery
14.30 Tea and Action Planning: Special Collections & Aggregation Services (whole conference activity)
Tea break during which delegates will be asked to form small groups to discuss next steps with the aim of producing two suggested actions per group to feed back into a plenary session after 20 minutes. Suggestions will be posted up onto a projected timeline.
15.05 The Big Event: A catalyst for collaboration – Nick Poole
Balloon debate format to select potential option for a collaboration theme
Discussion exploring how the selected option might act as a catalyst for collaboration
15.40 Licensing: Announcement of a new agreement – David Baker
15.50 Summing Up – David Baker
16.00 Conference Close
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