OpenGov mashup* event
BCS, London
22 April 2009
10:00 Opening Remarks - Simon Grice, Founder & Partner of mashup* & Founder & MD of BeLocal
10:10 Welcome Address - Mitch Sava, CEO of polyWonk
10:20 Keynote Address - Alex Butler, Director of Transformational Strategy at COI
10:45 Panel on Challenges and Strategies for Collaboration & Engagement
James Crabtree, Senior Editor at Prospect and advisor to openDemocracy
Paul Evans, social media consultant and author of the Local Democracy blog
Steph Gray, DIUS Head of Engagement
Mark O’Neill, CIO for the Dept. of Culture, Media, and Sport
11:40 DEMOS
11:45 BREAK
12:15 Panel on Challenges and Strategies for Mobilisation & Communication
Ben Hammersley, Assoc. Editor of Wired, and former social media advisor to the FCO
Paul Clarke, Public Services Strategist
Jeremy Gould, Whitehall Webby blogger and OpenGov luminary
Alberto Nardelli, Co-founder of TweetMinister
Dave Briggs, DavePress and Councillors Connected
13:10 DEMOS
13:15 LUNCH
14:15 Group Discussion: Challenges for Engagement
14:30 Panel on Practical Solutions
Tim Davies, Managing Director of Practical Participation
Chris Francis, IBM’s Government Programmes
Sharon Cooper, DirectGov Director of Strategy & Product Design
Chris Thorpe, Developer Advocate for the Guardian Open Platform
Jonathan Akwue, Digital Public
15:30 UK Projects in Open Government
Harry Metcalfe - Job Centre Pro Plus
Emma Mulqueeny - Rewired State
Emer Coleman - Barnet and GLA
Jonathan Akwue - Digital Public
Alpesh Doshi - Fintricity / Home Office
16.:00 Closing remarks
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