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May 23, 2007

Symposium: streaming media

Symposiumviewingstations Almost all the Powerpoint slides and all the streaming media from the symposium are now available, both thru the Eduserv Web site and in-world on Eduserv Island.

Note that the slides are only available from the Web site. However, the streamed media contains a view of all the slides anyway, so you don't miss anything by viewing these presentations in-world.

For info... the Powerpoint slides are made available thru Slideshare, which means we can embed them back into the Eduserv Web site very nicely.  Jim Purbrick's slides are currently missing and there is a known problem with some of the images in Stephen Downes' presentation slides which we are currently in the process of fixing.

The Web streaming media should simply work, provided your browser has an appropriate plug-in (e.g. Quicktime) but get in touch if there are any problems.  In-world, there are six viewing stations along the side of the Virtual Congress Centre on Eduserv Island, one per presentation - click the screen to start each presentation.


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And while talking about other lives, those interested in thinking more about Second Life in an educational setting can follow the discussion on the Eduserv Foundation blog (second life on eFoundations) where this is a particular interest. They held a d... [Read More]


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